Ticks are parasites that can transmit a variety of diseases to both pets and humans including Lyme’s disease, which is caused by a bacterial infection from a long, thin, spiral shaped bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi carried by the small deer tick. Lyme’s disease is reported around the world and throughout the United States but New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland have the highest percentage of the thousands of human cases reported each year. There is no evidence that a human can acquire Lyme disease directly from a dog; ticks are the direct source of infection for humans and for dogs. Although people are often warned that their dogs can bring infected ticks into the home. This bacterium is transmitted by ticks from wildlife including deer and white footed mice to humans and dogs. Pets with Lyme disease often have a sudden onset of severe depression with hot swollen, painful joints and a strong reluctance to move. They also have a fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, enlarged spleen, swollen, lameness and swollen lymph nodes. If treatment with antibiotics is started early enough, all symptoms of Lyme’s disease typically can be eliminated within 48 hours. However, it is important that the medication be given for a full 10-to-14-day period to avoid recurrence. Some pets, however, take months to recover. To safeguard your dog from Lyme disease your veterinarian can provide medication that will prevent ticks. A vaccine is also available.